Tuesday 11 September 2012


Today has been a really discouraging day for me. I received the largest insult as a teacher and it leaves me feeling so attacked. One of my students complained to administration today about me, because I was rough on his monthly evaluations. He is a child who has great grades, but cannot handle not being perfect at everything. The minute he didn't receive top scores on every section of the monthly evaluation (5 is the top) he started crying in my class and proceeded to write and say that I was fat and ugly. I know he has not liked me for a while, but he complained to the administration today and told them that I was boring and he does not like coming to school and being in my class. Of course, he has never said any of this to me ever, so it was all news to me.

The administrations response was what made it worse. She simply told me that she told the student that the other teachers personality is fun, loud, and her personality basically makes her interesting, but I am quiet and reserved, so I would not be as fun and interesting because our personalities are different. This was supposed to make me feel better? It didn't. To top it all off, this administrator has never even seen me teach so she has no idea what I am like when I teach. I try and have the most fun I can have while teaching, and it is the biggest insult to be called boring.

It has been a really rough day and my eyes are being opened to things I don't want to see here. Please pray that there would be someone here to provide sound guidance to the administration and lead this place with Christian values. I feel like Christianity is cultural here and boxed in with the norms of the culture. I think that happens in many places, but I am having a lot of trouble with some of the things that happen here under a "Christian school" name. Christianity cannot be contained within the cultural box we live in. We are supposed to stand up against some things, even though it is hard. I pray that in some instances there would be strength and courage to stand against norms here that don't align with Christian values. I don't want to work for a Christian school where money is the motivating factor, but that seems to be the case here. Bribery is present everywhere, and the child's education seems to be on the back burner in many cases. I am so torn right now. Please pray for me as I am feeling so under attack, and please pray for this school. It is in desperate need of guidance.