Tuesday 27 March 2012

Soggy Solution

So the best moment of my week was when I realized that I have a bicycle seat that holds a lot of water. This is a bit of a problem when it rains 98.7% of the time here, and my bicycle was stored outside. I already have become a pro at packing everything into a backpack for the day, but i did not think I would need multiple pairs of pants. So on my first day of professional bicycling (this refers to when you tuck your professional dress pants into your wool socks and running shoes-it's a technical term!) I rode home with some pretty soggy pants. Let me clarify that it was no longer raining, so I have no good reason to be soaking wet. Usually when it is dry outside, your bicycle seat would also be dry, but this was not the case. In fact, I'm pretty sure my seat had gained 10 lbs. in water weight throughout the day. I stopped at a major intersection and when I stood up on my bicycle to gain more power for the surge into the intersection, I was probably being laughed at. And rightfully so. It would have appeared that I had wet myself, and was just casually riding around in it. Great.

So today I problem solved. Garbage bag over bicycle seat secured with a hair elastic (obvious solution)! This combined with the wool socks over dress pants (well, only one pant leg!) and running shoes makes me one of the classiest people in Langley, I'm sure. Let the adventure continue!

1 comment:

  1. A picture of your professional bicycling outfit would be appreciated. I am having difficulty enjoying this post without a visual aid. ;]

    just kidding. I'm right there with ya...backpack, rainpants, and all.
